This impressive house is located in the Odinzov district. Kate Hume was inspired by the art of the 1960s. “The house was almost 3,000 square metres and was almost a carte-blanche project. We worked terrifically well together. You can see it in the house: it’s a happy place for happy people. The client has a collection of art which, in her previous home, was not displayed to its best advantage. Here, in the new property, we re-located the paintings and suddenly the art she had had for years came to life again. One of the art pieces formed the basis for the colour scheme throughout the house. It was a daring move to do the whole library in black – I wouldn’t usually recommend it, but it works really well here. I used orange as an accent, for both the furniture and the accessories. The room has been a big success, very masculine and homely. The rest of the house is softer and more feminine”. Generally, American walnut in grey-brown tones was used. The library was constructed in oak wood ,stained with a black dye. The wood veins were kept visible.